But it sports trends are directed towards health and not competition, outdoors and not closed spaces, a social and recreational environment and not isolation. Exercises that can be framed within the functional label, that is, that provide physical health applicable to daily life, and do not focus solely on sports technique, tactics or aesthetics. In any case, whatever sports fashion comes along, whether it is zumba, climbing, curling or pole vaulting, we will be there to enjoy it .the world of nutrition is changing and is governed by the latest news and published scientific research.
With this, the food sector has not stopped evolving towards healthier and more sustainable models over the years, taking into account the health of E Commerce Photo Editing the population and the environmental impact . Without going any further, 2020 and 2021 taught us the importance of meeting the needs of our immune system , carrying out a much more conscious diet. In this sense, some professions have even resurfaced with force, such as the nutritional coach , due to the demand that the population makes of this type of service. For all these reasons, there are dietary currents that have gained strength in recent years and reach 2022 as authentic nutritional trends which are here to stay. Which are the most relevant? 1. Real food this trend is not new but it is one of the most widespread in recent years.
We can affirm that in 2021 it ended up establishing itself and in 2022 it entered with more force than ever. The realfooding movement promotes simple eating, with "real food" , that is, leaving aside ultra-processed food. It is scientifically proven that ultra -processed products have a direct impact on obesity rates, type ii diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer. With real food we can help prevent these pathologies, since it has protective effects. Inesem business school master of lifelong learning in human nutrition and dietetics + 60 ects credits more information real foods are vegetables, fruit, natural nuts and seeds, tubers and roots, legumes, fish and shellfish, eggs,